1password-cli SSH

Community Member
in SSH

I have a headless system I SSH into to work on my personal GitHub repositories and account.

I want to use 1Password to store my SSL keys, like on my MacBook, and prompt me for Auth on cli.

Can Linux without GUI install prompt me to use the saved keys as I do on the Mac?
My ssh config:

Host *
        IdentityAgent ~/.1password/agent.sock

I can sign in and run the op vault list to see my values.

1Password Version: 2.29.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Linux 6.9.7-arch1
Browser: Not Provided


  • Michael Mercurio
    Michael Mercurio
    Community Member

    I want to use 1Password to store my SSL keys

    Do you mean SSH keys?

    If you're running 1Password desktop app your MacBook where you're logged in locally, and you have 1Password configured as your SSH Agent on the MacBook...

    Then you should be able to use SSH Agent forwarding from your MacBook to your remote headless Linux system, such that when you SSH into the the remote system, all your SSH keys stored in the 1Password SSH Agent will be available.

    As a test you could try this:

    • When you ssh into the remote linux system add the -A option on the command line to forward the SSH Agent connection over SSH.

    • When you're logged into the remote linux system, issue ssh-add -l to list keys forwarded from the SSH Agent. If you see your ssh keys (same output as when issuing that command locally on the macOS terminal, then it's working.)

    Note, if you've customized SSH Agent settings through your ~/.ssh/config file or modified the default value for SSH_AUTH_SOCK (on the remote host), you may run into issues.

    For more details and tips on SSH Agent forwarding and configuration: