Unlock 1password app when focus mode is set

Currently it seems that unlocking 1 password app when any of the focus mode is set (like Work / Do not disturb" is on is not possible.

The watch will vibrate 2 times because of the notification but not showing it, soi it's not possible to double push on the button to unlock

Any way to force the notification to be displayed in the focus mode ? I searched notifications settings but 1password is ot even showing here

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • ag_tommy
    edited July 2024


    No, not that I am aware of. I'd be very happy to say I am wrong and there is a way to offer this that the team could implement. The process is likely curtailed before we can even show the notification by the OS as we use an Apple API. Who knows, a new version of watchOS is coming. Perhaps some exciting changes will be available this year. I have no insight, just another user like yourself who would love to see this become a reality. I've also filed a feature request for the team to look into this and see if the new OS brings any new abilities.

    ref: PB-40884418

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