Security keys don't work

This discussion was created from comments split from: Test Post - Can't confirm Community email.


  • PeterVancouver
    Community Member

    Sure -
    So the first problem is that when adding a Security key to my iOS device via NFC for 2FA on 1P, I did not get a confirmation prompt. However, I dismissed the message manually and found that 1P on my iPhone was authenticated and syncs with my account. Customer support was not able to replicate my issue, but I will be getting a new iPhone in a week or two, and will try again to see if I get any feedback after it requests my Security Key.

    Second issue is with Passkeys on GitHub. They work for me on Windows using Chrome, but not Safari on a Mac. (I should mention I store them all in 1Password)

    Third issue is with Security Keys (Titan) on Microsoft. They do not work for me using Safari on Mac, but they do work using Chrome on Mac.

    As I'm still in the process of adding Security Keys and Passkeys to my account, I have not mentioned #2 or #3 to your Customer support person yet.

  • @PeterVancouver

    Since you have an ongoing conversation with our support team via email and they have access to the information that you've already provided, I recommend that you continue the discussion there.

    Reply to my colleague's last email and they'll get back to you as soon as possible.


    ref: CHV-75361-553