feature request: per-user favorites on shared vaults

Community Member

In my 1password family account, I have a shared vault for my wife and I for things we both use. The problem is that we see each other's favorites, which is a problem when we have different favorites. I like the ability for an entry to be a favorite the vault-level regardless of user, but we also need a way for individual users to have their own favorites within a shared vault that don't show as a favorite for everyone using the vault. Otherwise your favorites list is cluttered and loses its usefulness. Thanks.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • Thanks for letting us know this matters to you @dmveron I've share it with the appropriate team for further consideration.

    ref: 42428355

  • Wallbanger
    Community Member

    I don't view this as a "feature" at all. It's a design oversight and should be treated as a BUG - for repair ASAP.

    I just converted from legacy licenses for standalone 1PW - having been a user since the very beginning - and I'm running into "issues" with V.8.

    I managed software design, development, testing, documentation and support for much of my 50+ years in business and this particular oversight would have earned a serious reprimand for designers, coders and testers involved.

    Somebody needs to think like each type of user - from individual to family to business - from the very first step.

  • @Wallbanger

    Thank you for the feedback. I've passed your comments requesting that this behaviour be changed in the future to our Product team for consideration.

    Changing favourites to be per-user rather than per-item is a request that is in our product team's backlog but there are prerequisites that have to be developed first before the team can consider making the change. Each item is responsible for declaring whether it is a favourite or not, this system was developed in a time when sharing items in 1Password wasn't as common as it is now. Before favourites can be made per-user this per-item metadata has to be moved out of the item and into a new user-specific layer in the database. Creating this user-specific layer requires some architecture work and, for the moment, this work is yet to be done.


    ref: PB-43835648