Linkedin one-time password not filling

Community Member
edited September 30 in 1Password in the Browser

I just upgraded to version 8 from 7 today. Finally.

Logging in at, the one-time password doesn't get filled. I checked and it's present in the Login item, and copying it from there and pasting it at linkedin works.

I also notice parenthetically that the 1password app doesn't show the countdown next to the one-time password field unless the 1password app is the active window. I don't remember if that was true with v7.

I have only installed the 1password app, and not the Safari browser extension. (This is why I'm posting this in the Mac section and not 1Password in the Browser section.) I'm pretty sure that in v7 I disabled the browser extension in the 1password settings, though I don't remember if I also disabled it in Safari preferences. (On iOS, I keep the extension off and just use the iOS password fill feature.) I have always found the extensions distracting and unnecessary. It's a matter of taste I suppose, but wonder if the login problem at linkedin is related to my choice.

(The one-time password feature works fine when logging in to Amazon, so this is not an across-the-board problem.)

1Password Version: 8.10.44
Extension Version: none
OS Version: macOS 12.7.5
Browser: Safari


  • Tonetony
    Community Member

    Re-asking about this issue.

    (Also - I meant to post to the Mac subforum, not the Browser forum, because I'm using the app for autofill, and am not using the Safari extension. But it seems I posted in the Browser forum, oops.)

  • Hello, @Tonetony. Thank you for reaching out. I'm sorry about the issues you're experiencing with 1Password.

    May I confirm if you're using Universal Autofill from the 1Password desktop app? If so, there's a known issue our development team is tracking with the one-time password not filling in at with Universal Autofill.

    Additionally, there is a separate known issue with the 1Password desktop app where the one-time password countdown timer disappears when the window is not focused. I've added you as an affected user to our internal reporting. I apologize for the inconvenience.


    ref: dev/core/core#30506
    ref: dev/core/core#15076

  • Tonetony
    Community Member

    Sorry, looks like I failed to respond.

    I do use Universal Autofill - and actually only Universal Autofill. I've tried the Safari extension several times, but inevitably uninstall it.

    If it makes any difference, I do not enable "Submit automatically with Universal Autofill." I prefer seeing the filled fields before pressing Return.


  • @Tonetony,

    No problem. I appreciate the additional details and confirmation that you use Universal Autofill. I added you to our internal tracker for this known issue.

    In the meantime, I suggest copying the one-time password from the Quick Access menu. After filling in the username and password with Universal Autofill, open the Quick Access menu ( CMD⌘ + Shift⇧ + Space ), and on your Login item, use the ( CMD⌘ + Option⌥ + C ) shortcut to copy the one-time password.

    I hope that helps. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
