Authetication prompt not showing up on wayland (hyprland)
I am trying to run 1Password under Hyprland on Arch but running into issues
when using system authentication.
When I run 1Password with ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT=auto 1password
and run any command that requires authentication I would expect the
Authentication prompt from 1Password to pop up which then opens the polkit
1Password Log (truncated):
R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ; feature flag not enabled.
ERROR 2024-10-16T05:04:47.345+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:op-auto-lock/src/] Could not connect to the X server: XcbEventError
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.345+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:data/ext/op-account-ext-settings-authentication/src/] exactly one existing key found (92ad3fa0ba142986). Applying it to any new accounts
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.345+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:op-settings/src/store/] initializing settings authentication with key 92ad3fa0ba142986
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.345+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/backend/] Lock state changed: Unlocked
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.345+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/backend/] SLS Migration Result: NotRequired
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.398+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:data/op-account-system-unlock/src/] Adding system unlock key. Verifying keysets can be decrypted.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.400+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:data/op-account-system-unlock/src/] Adding system unlock key. Encrypting muk.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.400+00:00 ThreadId(22) [1P:data/op-account-system-unlock/src/] Adding system unlock key. Updating account.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:47.779+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/backend/] Processing unlocked account R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:48.362+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/backend/] Front end event: window closed
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:48.596+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:op-b5-client/src/internal/] Skipping MFA because server did not return MFA config
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:48.937+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:data/ext/op-account-ext-syncer/src/] The B5 Notifier for (R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ) has connected, now monitoring for events.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:49.076+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(2)) [1P:data/op-syncer/src/] synced account R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ (0.47779572s)
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:49.076+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(12)) [1P:data/op-file-transfer/src/] find_and_complete_pending_uploads: 'R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ'
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:49.273+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/components/] Skipping policies for account R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ; feature flag not enabled.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:49.273+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(11)) [1P:app/op-app/src/app/components/] Skipping policies for account R5AGEUALSREQFC5SKCUAD4HTHQ; feature flag not enabled.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:52.435+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:native-messaging/op-native-core-integration/src/] Extension connecting.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:52.435+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(1)) [1P:native-messaging/op-native-core-integration/src/] Extension connection accepted.
INFO 2024-10-16T05:04:52.438+00:00 tokio-runtime-worker(ThreadId(20)) [1P:foundation/op-system-auth/src/] Biometry is available for 1 or more accounts
$ op vault get xyz
[ERROR] 2024/10/16 07:03:21 authorization prompt dismissed, please try again
When I run it using via xwayland ELECTRON_OZONE_PLATFORM_HINT=x11 1password
the authentication prompt does show up properly followed by the polkit prompt.
Idk if this is an issue with hyprland or 1Password or just me missing some configuration. It does work properly on GNOME.
Have a look at the following vid to showcase what I mean.
1Password Version: 8.10.46
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided
I noticed that I was wrong in regards that it works on GNOME 47. On GNOME it was running under XWayland and not Wayland. When I explicitly run 1Password with
the rich authentication dialog won't appear.So I think it's a general issue with 1Password running under wayland.
As a workaround for now I unchecked the option "Rich authentication prompt". That option skips the 1Password auth request dialog and directly presents the polkit prompt.