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Error When Switching to Individual Account

Community Member
edited October 16 in Memberships

My family account was separated from my business. I don’t need a family account, so I'm trying to switch to an individual account. When I follow the process, I get this message:

An individual account with this email address already exists.
This action is not permitted.
• 403 (account_already_exists)
Error Code: 403

No matter what options I choose, I obviously don’t want to lose my passwords.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • @mitchr

    Based on the error it seems you likely have a previous personal account using the same email address. Did you ever try 1Password at some point in the past? This is the main culprit. If so, and no longer need that earlier account you can delete it. This act should then allow you to change the account type on the family account.

    How to delete your 1Password account - inaccessible account

    ⚠️ - Take care to delete the correct account. Ensure you do not delete the wrong one.