Issue when making multiple edits to items

This discussion was created from comments split from: Problems with new


  • willrowe
    Community Member

    @d9a I have been going back and forth with support for over a month about an issue with making multiple successive edits to entries in a vault. I reported the issue before they launched it, but they never fixed it, so now I'm stuck using a product that doesn't work correctly. This is especially dangerous because if I make an edit to one entry and then generate a new password for another one, it may look like it saved, but if I refresh the page, it disappears. That seems completely unacceptable to me, since I have no way to recover the password.

    They have told me that they cannot reproduce, but I have tested in a total of four different browsers and the same exact thing happens in each. It seems very unlikely that this is only affecting my account somehow, but I guess stranger things have happened.

    To test if this bug is affecting your account as well, follow these steps:
    1. Log into your account.
    2. Open a vault and edit an entry.
    3. Make a change to something or simply add or remove a tag.
    4. Save the change.
    5. Go to a different entry or even the same one you just changed and edit it.
    6. Make another change.
    7. Save the change. Sometimes an error message will be displayed and sometimes it will look like it saved.
    8. Refresh the page.
    9. Observe if the first change you made is still there. Then check for the second change you made.

    If the second change you made is not there, then the bug is affecting you as well. If that is the case please reply to me and let me know. I'm interested to see if I really am the only one this is affecting.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @willrowe I tried reproducing the bug here on my end, but was not successful. No matter the combination of edits and reloads of the page, all my edits persisted.

  • willrowe
    Community Member

    @MerryBit did you wait to refresh until after editing and saving multiple times? That's what the issue is mainly. If I refresh after each save then it resets properly and actually saves the changes. It seems like the problem is that the CSRF token is not refreshing properly for async requests, so refreshing the page generates a new token.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @willrowe Yes, I did. Tried making multiple edits to two different items and never saw any error message. All edits were persisted.

  • willrowe
    Community Member

    @MerryBit thanks for testing it out! Very strange that it seems so isolated.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member
    edited November 2024

    @willrowe No problem. If you think it's related to your account specifically (and not your hardware), have you tried signing up for a new trial account to see if the problem is there, too? Just a thought.

  • willrowe
    Community Member

    @MerryBit I actually have two separate accounts and they both have the same exact issue.