List of entries in a vault flagged by "may belong in your other account" ?

I apologize if there is a help document or discussion in the forums about this, but I can't find any.

For our business, I find it valuable to have the flag "may belong in your other account" at the top of an entry in a vault that was possibly inadvertently saved in the wrong account.

Is there a way for me, as the administrator, or really for any user with their own vaults, to see a list of these entries? Clicking through each one to find them isn't realistic.

There are 2 features that I think would be valuable for this:

  1. Let me, as a 1Password user, see a list of the items flagged this way in my app. (like Favorites, for example)
  2. As an administrator, even if all I can do is tell a team member that they have X number of entries (which I can't see!) that may be saved in the wrong vault (a work entry saved in a personal vault), it would be really helpful.

As we all know, maintaining security is like herding cats even with the help of 1Password.

Basically, it's difficult enough to keep people on board with using 1Password for our business - but they are doing it. Many people (even me) are inadvertently saving entries in 1Password in their personal or family vaults, and not in the business vault. This matters for many reasons, not the least of which is general security and handling things if a team member leaves. Even if we set them up so that the default vault for new entries is their business vault, it won't fix past entries and will still inevitably let things slip through.

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  • GreyM1P
    edited December 2024

    Hey there @drewe20001

    1. Let me, as a 1Password user, see a list of the items flagged this way in my app. (like Favorites, for example)

    Click the Watchtower tab, then "Items in wrong account": Use Watchtower to find account details you need to change.


    1. As an administrator, even if all I can do is tell a team member that they have X number of entries (which I can't see!) that may be saved in the wrong vault (a work entry saved in a personal vault), it would be really helpful.

    You can Create reports in 1Password Business which will include items in the wrong account if you have set up a domain policy. This will detect personal items in their work account, but not the other way around because you don't have any access to their family account.

    Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions. :)

    — Grey

  • drewe20001
    Community Member

    I feel very silly.
    These are exactly the things I was asking for, and I don't know how I didn't spot them.

    Thank you very much!

  • On behalf of Grey, you're welcome.