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Annual plan signed and account remains frozen

Community Member
edited January 2 in Memberships

I stopped renewing my annual subscription to sign up for a family plan, but the family plan ended up being left aside and I signed the individual plan again for another year. However, I paid for the subscription yesterday and at this point my account remains frozen. I made the payment through the Apple App Store.
I've tried contacting you by email, more than 24 hours have passed and still no response.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided


  • @lucasgaldino

    I do not see an email from you in our support system by comparing the email you used here in the community. Did you send it from another address? If so, please provide your support ID so I can look into this for you.

  • lucasgaldino
    Community Member

    I apologize, I use a different email for my 1Password account. The 2 support tickets I have are RHB-55354-485 and ZUN-69444-258.

  • It appears my colleague Juan was able to assist you with this. If you have any more questions please let us know.

    Oh, and no worries on the email difference. Many folks do that; even me. ;)