Cannot login to family manager account, how to recover?
It seems that I cannot login to my family account, even if I'm pretty confident that I have the correct info (secret key and password). The family account is free due to me having access to 1Password Business via my work.
I am looking into recovering the account, and it turns out that only family manager can recover the account, which is, unfortunately, only me. My wife is also part of the family, but her account is not a manager account, so she cannot do the recovery.
I have two questions:
- Is there a way to recover my account without deleting it?
- If I need to delete and recreate my account, will that delete my wife's account, since she's part of my family, or will 1Password simply disable her account, since it won't be part of the family and will fallback to a regular account that needs payment? In this case, my plan would be to delete and recreate my account, enroll it to a free family benefit and readd my wife?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Browser: Not Provided
There may be no way to recover the account. Did you create a recovery code? Please check and see if you can access in a browser.
If a new account is needed:
- Create a new account for yourself. 1Password Support - Pricing & free trial All accounts come with a trial period.
- In your case be sure to create a family account and invite any others.
- Add both accounts to an app. ➕ How to add your 1Password account to the apps
- Step two would apply to any users on the soon to be former account. At this point they would have two accounts signed in in order to move their data. They should normally only need to do this on one device.
Move any needed data from soon to be former account to the new account. Move and copy items
Sign out of the old/former account. Sign out of 1Password
Highly recommended! A new account includes a new Secret Key.
⚠️ - Ensure you have a copy of your 🚒 Emergency Kit. It contains a copy of your Secret Key. You'll also need to know your password. We do not have access to those details. They are for you and you alone.
Also, I recommend creating a recovery code. I've created one for myself and the members of my family. Each family member will have their own code. Generate and use recovery codes. * The Secret Key on the Emergency Kit is not a recovery code.
Also, consider adding her as an alternate Family Organizer who can help you recover your account if needed.
When you're ready you'll unlink the soon to be former account from your business account. Then link the new account.
1Password Support - Get a free 1Password Families membership when you use 1Password Business
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Yes. Correct, I placed this but it could be missed or misinterpreted.
- Her account since you're looking to save her data.
I'll clean it up to indicate all users. Thanks for the 👀