Using a unique email for 1Password

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  • jmjm
    Community Member

    In contrast, a copy of your password and Secret Key - if stored together - could immediately be used to access your account

    But if the email associated with the account isn't listed (and then there is the issue of any 2FA on the account), then PW and SK isnt quite enough?

  • @jmjm

    Correct, the email address associated with your 1Password account is also needed to access your account. However, email addresses are generally public (in that you send your email address to other people and websites) while the account password and Secret Key are private and should never be shared.


  • jmjm
    Community Member
    edited January 13

    Hey @Dave_1P , thanks for the reply.

    However, email addresses are generally public

    I took to heart a recommendation I saw somewhere on this site to use a unique email address for one's 1P account i.e. an address used only for 1P. That's gotta help further protect one's account.

  • @jmjm

    Not really; as Dave mentioned they are generally public. That said, I do use a unique address for my own peace of mind for 1Password. It is also one of my Apple ID emails. The only two places that have it are 1Password and Apple. That's not to say it will not eventually make it out there and be known. I've tried this strategy several times over the years and it tends to always eventually make it out into the wild.
    The last time it happened for me was an accidental send using the main address vs. the disposable one.

    Not to plug another product but I use SpamSieve and have for almost as long as I have used 1Password. It does a great job filtering. In the last 3 days it has filter out 748 spam messages. I know that's not the main question here. I just wanted to point out it culls suspicious emails too. I've not had to touch it in the last 5 years minus remote training a few uncaught messages and upgrading to a new version.