1P Safari Extension

Community Member


I have been using the bete versions with no problem, and i have notice that the apple store version was online. I unnistaled the beta and instaled the app from the apple store.

Everything works fine, dropbos sync, etc... Except the safari extension that give a message of "there is no vault. please open the 1P application"

the mini app in the toolbar works fine but i would like to use the extension instead of the mini app.

Can you help me?


Nuno Paulo


  • Hi @Nuno,

    Can you open the main 1Password app from the App Store, unlock and tell me if you see anything in there?

    1Password mini is the front end to your browser extension, they're practically the same thing.

    Also, can you reboot your Mac, just in case you might be seeing 1Password mini from the beta and rebooting might clean this up to let 1Password mini from the actual Mac App Store version boot up.

  • nunopaulo
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    After some strugle to understand what was going on, did a reboot and everything is working fine now.

    A love this app, great work guys.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2013

    Hi @nunopaulo,

    Let's try reinstalling the safari extension:

    • Go to Safari > Preferences > Extensions and disable the 1Password beta extension
    • Go to our extensions page to download the new extension

    Please let me know if you're still seeing the same problem after installing the non-beta extension :)

  • nunopaulo
    Community Member

    Hi Megan the problem is solved.
    Nuno ;-)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @nunopaulo,

    So glad to hear you're all sorted out - if you need anything further, we're here for you!

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