Update iOS to use Dropbox folder

Eduardo Martinez
Eduardo Martinez
Community Member

I have both iOS and Mac versions of 1Password. This AMAZING update of the Mac app allows us to keep our 1Password db in ANY Dropbox folder. Being a little OCD about keeping files organized, I moved my 1P db to a folder, but now the iOS app won't find it, which leads me to guess that it's because the iOS app hasn't been updated to locate the file in Dropbox folder. Here's a screenshot of what I see when I try to sync with Dropbox now: http://d.pr/i/coIs


  • supercowthe3rd
    Community Member

    yep, just to add my thoughts on this. It is critical that you can choose which folder, within your Dropbox to sync to / from. Forcing IOS to use the root Dropbox folder, but letting the Mac App choose the sync location renders the function useless. It is also important that this feature become available on the IOS version for the following reason:

    If you add a computer to your Dropbox account, and choose selective sync, i.e. you choose only to sync that new PC with a few folders in your Dropbox, Dropbox (currently) downloads everything that is in the root of your Dropbox plus your selected folders. which will include your 1Password Keychain, as that is where IOS syncs it to. You my argue that Dropbox should give you the option not to sync the contents of the root folder as well as selective folders. But as the Mac App let you choose the location, you should align the IOS version accordingly.

    I have used 1Password for years, over many releases, it is always improving and it is my Nr1 go to product and recommendation for friends and family, but giving users more control over the location of their content can only be a good thing.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your feedback Eduardo Martinez and @supercowthe3rd!

    We are working on unifying the sync requirements for Mac and iOS, although I can't say right now whether they will be made more flexible or more specific.

    At this point, 1Password 4 for iOS will find the datafile best if it is in ~Dropbox/1Password/ 1Password.agilekeychain. I understand the organizational OCD, Eduardo, but we've found that this set-up works best with Apple's current sandboxing regulations.

    I will of course let our developers know that you prefer flexibility in your organizational scheme.

    And big thanks to both of you for the kind words - it is much appreciated!

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