Tiny, tiny thing...

Community Member

Brilliant work guys on 1P4. Thank you! As a long-time Quicksilver user, I know that the QS devs are working on full 3rd Party integration with 1P4, but in the meantime, would you mind if I pointed out that the 'Quicksilver' app is spelled as one word (Quicksilver) as opposed to two (Quick Silver) as you currently have it in the Preferences>Advanced pane?


  • Hi @TimL,

    It must be auto-correct :). We'll get it fixed, thanks for pointing it out!

  • TimL
    Community Member

    Hi @MikeT... Auto-correct eh? Must be why your status says you're "Agile Samurai - Admininistrator"? >:)

  • Ha, that's done in the CSS file for the forum, we can't change our status at the moment. I'll inform the designers to fix this.

  • TimL
    Community Member

    Sorry Mike - couldn't resist it :))

  • :) Apparently, some of our staff thinks we should keep it as it's kinda cute. :)

This discussion has been closed.