iCloud File sizes puzzle

Community Member

Before I switched from Dropbox sync to iCloud sync, my agile keychain in Dropbox was about 45Mb

Now I am using iCloud (which seems to be working very nicely), I see in the "manage storage" section of the iCloud Pref pane that 1Password is using 2.3 Mb.

Also, If I go to the 1Password preferences backup section, and click "show files", the backup files are between 1 and 1.6 Mb

If I "export all items" from the File menu, the exported .1pif file is only 602Kb.

Anyone understand these big differences?



  • MikeT
    edited October 2013

    Hi @mikebone,

    That's normal because iCloud container doesn't include 1PasswordAnywhere, which on its own is 300+ KB. We intentionally designed 1Password 4's new data files to cut down on the sizes and the overhead on the file format. That results into a much faster initial sync and for many, quick transfers of backup files remotely or locally on a network share because the backup files are smaller by many factors.

    If you were using 1Password.agilekeychain from 1Password 3, those were storing your images. 1Password 4 now stores the site's images on a remote image service, so you don't have to store it in your data file anymore. As you turn on the Rich Icon feature, 1Password will simply download it from our private image service that does not log anything personal.

  • mikebore
    Community Member

    Thanks very much for quick reply.

  • You're welcome!

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