Going to smart folder, viewing item, and then saving item causes the navigation to view ALL item

Community Member
  1. View a smart folder
  2. Select login from view
  3. Update item.
  4. All items are now shown. However, the smart folder is still shown as selected.

This makes going through and resolving conflicts extra tedious as the view keeps resetting.


  • oshloel
    Community Member

    +1 Very annoying. Granted the edited item might no longer meet the smart folder criteria, but the 2nd column view should remain focused on the selected smart folder rather than switching back to All Items following a smart folder item edit.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi guys,

    Yup, it's a known issue:

    • If you select a smart folder and make changes to one of the items, it'll reset the search to display all items instead of the smart folder's results.

    Also previously reported, e.g.:

    Bug: Editing with smart folders shows all items (1P4 b95)

    And I've noted this topic in our internal bug tracker. Thanks for the re-report!

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