How do I save "Login with Facebook"?

Community Member

On some websites I am able to login using my facebook credentials. Now how do I save this kind of Login within 1Password?


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @iCoco.

    If you create or already have a Login item for Facebook it can be used with certain sites (e.g. that accept sign-in using Facebook credentials. If you can post some specific examples of sites you'd like to login with Facebook credentials we'' check if there's anything different or special with them. Thanks!

  • iCoco
    Community Member

    Hi sjk, thank you for getting in touch, and sorry for my late answer, must have missed the reply notification.

    Two examples:

    I am logging in to Flickr using my Google credentials. So, I created a "dummy" login as reference, named it "Flickr", and added a note reminding me to "Log in with Google".

    Same issue here, but with Facebook credentials. As above, I created a "dummy" item, named it "AirBnB", and added a note to "Login with Facebook".

    However, what I'd want is to just fire up 1Password Mini from Safari, choose the appropriate Login item and have it log me in to the website, automatically using my Google or Facebook credentials respectively. I don't see how I could automate this process.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @iCoco,

    Thanks for sending those examples along to us! I'd also like to apologize for the delay in responding but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're working hard to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    Both the sites that you sent in feature pop-up windows to log you in. This is not something that 1Password can do completely automatically. Your solution of using a dummy entry (essentially acting as a bookmark) to get you to the site and reminding you which login to choose, is actually a pretty good idea. Once the window pops up, you can use Cmd+\ (or right click and select 1Password from the menu) to view and select the appropriate login.

    If you are able to find a login page that does not have a pop-up window, 1Password 4 has a handy multiple URLs feature, so all you have to do is add that URL to your Facebook or Google Login entry :)

    Please let me know if this helps - if you need any further clarification, we're here for you!

  • iCoco
    Community Member

    Thank you for getting in touch. All clear now. I guess that this kind of login procedure might well be a little harder to handle. :)

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