Some features suggested by 1Password 4 for Mac

Community Member

One of my favorite "it's so obvious, I can't believe we didn't do this before" features of 1Password for Mac is the ability to convert generated passwords into logins. Could this be added to the iOS version as well? It's the one thing that periodically forces me back to the computer to clean things up.

It might also be nice to view password history and created/updated timestamps for all records.

Unrelated to the new Mac version, one additional suggestion. I find it handy to record details of my computer gear in 1Password. Things like serial numbers, hardware/firmware/software versions (as appropriate), warranty start/end dates, and warranty provider contact details are particularly useful. I've long used Notes to store this information but have always wished for something a little more structured. My first thought was to repurpose the "Server" category for this but I wonder if a general "Device" category might be more appropriate. I imagine all sorts of things might go here, including TVs, Blu-Ray players, game consoles, audiophile gear, and smartphones, for example.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scottreynolds,

    Thanks so much for that detailed feedback! We're always looking to make 1Password the best and most user-friendly it can be, and your suggestions are always much appreciated. While we can't directly discuss our future plans, I have noted down your thoughts and will be sure that they get passed along to our developers.

    There are some great updates to iOS coming soon :)

  • scottreynolds
    Community Member

    I understand - thanks for letting me know!

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