Did Beta program only test Store version not MAS version?

Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac

After many hours of testing and switching between the beta and the MAS, I realise that the beta is like the Agile store version, and the MAS version is different. So I don't think the MAS version has been subject to the same degree of beta testing. Maybe the situation was such that the MAS version could not be properly beta tested because MAS won't handle betas?

EG: In the Beta versions the 1Password datafile and backups are in the user Application Support Folder. In the MAS version they are in a Container. In the Beta the preference files are in the user Preference folder, and in the MAS version they are in the Containers. The MAS version is sandboxed and the Beta isn't.

I am a long term big fan of 1Password, and was on the beta prog from the start. I switched to the MAS version when it was released and like many others I have been struggling with sync issues with both Dropbox and iCloud. With the MAS version I found iCloud more reliable (just one stubborn anomaly), while Dropbox just didn't work.

I have gone back on the Beta prog now and my sync issues were instantly resolved with both Dropbox and iCloud. During the course of my recent testing I found that iCloud syncing works very well and so I have stuck with it, but a bit concerned that the official position is that only the MAS version will support iCloud in the future.

Would welcome any clarification or correction to the above.



  • Hi @mikebore,

    There are no beta testing allowed for MAS apps and for many of us, we can only test it after the app has been submitted. The beta testers have only been testing the website versions, which do share the same codebase as the MAS built but with some differences in the MAS build related to sandboxing, iCloud ID and so on.

    We are seeing unexpected issues in the MAS build and are working to resolve them as soon as possible. Did you already talk about your issues with Dropbox in other threads?

  • oshloel
    Community Member

    Question Mike (which was also asked here:~/discussion/16408/dropbox-sync-not-working#latest):

    Since the Agilebits store version seems to be more stable with Dropbox, currently has the Lost Attachments Fix and generally seems like it will mature more quickly, is there a way for us MAS folks to permanently or at least temporarily move to the fully functioning AgileBits Store version? I'm not sure I see any reason to be with the MAS version and I only ended up there because I moved to it some time back as a "prepayment for 1pw4".

  • @oshloel,

    An update to the Dropbox syncing issue:

    Moving to the AgileBits store version should be pretty easy. Simply download the app from https://agilebits.com/downloads

    The AgileBits store version has a different name "1Password 4.app" compared to "1Password.app" and you should be able to have them both in the Applications folder if needed. Please make sure you select ⌃⌘Q in 1Password MAS to quit both the main app and 1Password mini, otherwise the browser extension will be confused.

    The AgileBits store version stores its data in a different location (~/Library/Application Support/1Password 4) compared to the Mac App Store version (~/Library/Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper) and you will be prompted to set it up again.

    We are working on a solution to allow you to use the AgileBits store version without purchasing a new license if you already have a Mac App Store version.

  • mikebore
    Community Member

    We are working on a solution to allow you to use the AgileBits store version without purchasing a new license if you already have a Mac App Store version.

    Interesting to see how that works out....I have been having a big argument with the well known and respected makers of another app who say this absolutely is not allowed by Apple.

  • @mikebore,

    It seems that Apple doesn't like when developers try to sell the webstore version to existing Mac App Store customers. However, in our case we won't be selling the upgrade and I hope it would be ok.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member


    We are working on a solution to allow you to use the AgileBits store version without purchasing a new license if you already have a Mac App Store version.

    That is excellent news, thanks. I bought 1P3 from the App Store when it appeared that the website version would be discontinued but I'd love to revert to the store version - not only for quicker updates but also to support agilebits more.


  • Gilles9
    Community Member


    so how do we proceed ?


  • kevwil
    Community Member

    Many thanks to all those brave souls who use Beta versions, because I'm sure as hell not willing to risk my nearly 500 logins to catastrophic problems like vault corruption.

    Had I known that the MAS version was basically not even up to Beta quality, I would never have bought the MAS version. The worst part is that two (potentially different or incompatible) versions even exist in the first place. Very confusing. I look forward to hearing how this version switch idea evolves, because my MAS copy is completely broken.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    @Gilles9 asked:

    so how do we proceed ?

    Please refer to posts #10, #12, and #23 in this topic: Convert from MAS to direct version?

    Thank you for sharing your concerns, @kevwil. Are you still having any specific issues we can help you with since resolving one you mentioned in another post?

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