Upgrade from MAS to AgileBits' store 1P4 family licence
I have 1P3 from the App Store (and, before that, had it from AgileBits). The version entitles me to a free upgrade to 1P4 from the App Store. I am beta testing 1P4 at present so don't yet wish to download the App Store version of 1P4.
I'd love to revert to the AgileBits' store version but also now want a family licence. It would be good to take advantage of the current discount. Is there any way I could safely do this which makes some allowance for my existing MAS version?
(I'm sorry to post this in the rush of messages following initial release of 1P4. If it's all to complicated just ignore it. I shan't be offended!)
You're not ignored, @Stephen_C. :)
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