Where is the password generator?

Community Member

OK, really basic question. Downloaded 1Password 4 for Mac. Using it. Like it. Now, for the first time in 4 for Mac, want to generate a new password for an existing Login. Where is the "generate new password" button? When I edit a Login item, I do not see a "generate" button in the item, and I don't see one anywhere in the left panel. It must be obvious, but I'm not seeing it. Where is it pls?

Pls do not direct me to 1 Password Mini. I prefer to use the main 1 Password app to generate passwords. Thx


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    If you right click on the password field when editing it should display the password generator. You can move the slider to change to the length of password you want and it will automatically generate a password for you. You can also change the "recipe" if you want.


  • pomme4moi
    Community Member

    Thanks Stephen C. If I create a new Login item, save it, re-open it for edit and right click on the password, then I see the password generator as you indicate. See attached image.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53682537/Screen Shot 2013-10-12 at 15.07..png

    But if I open an exiting Login item (one that was created in the prior version of 1Password for Mac) and right click on the password, only the Copy and Reveal options appear. The password generate does not appear. Any further thoughts on what I am doing wrong? Thx

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @pomme4moi, sorry I might have misled you! Looking more closely, I find for an existing item I need to:

    1. edit the item;
    2. click in the password field

    and then I can generate a new password as I described. Does that help you?


  • pomme4moi
    Community Member

    Thanks again Stephen. Your answer works on most of my Logins. Very helpful. It doesn't work on one for some reason, the one I was originally having trouble with. So I just deleted the Login and re-created it. All ok now ...

  • Hi @pomme4moi,

    I'm glad Stephen_C helped here. We're going to try to make some changes here to improve the discoverability of the generator button. It is likely we might bring back the button we have from the iOS app or the 1Password 3 for Mac, where you can just click on a button or icon to bring up the generator, instead of clicking into the password field.

  • ozarkcanoer
    Community Member

    Please do. The current interface is not documented, and not identified as the generator. It can be discovered but once found it still doestn't identify what it is for. Put something in Help also.

  • Gasport
    Community Member

    The mini menu bar allows you to generate a password but the main app appears not to allow for this. Seems a bit inconsistent.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Gasport,

    You can create a new Password via the main app by clicking on the '+' button next to the search field in the top menu bar. Just select the 'Password' item (with the combination lock icon) and you're good to go!

    We'll see what we can do about making this more intuitive in the future. :)

  • Dianeoforegon
    Community Member

    I would like to see a Password Generator under All Items & Favorites. I don't think of generating a password as an item. To me + is for items.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Dianeoforegon,

    Thanks so much for adding your thoughts here - I can see how you might think of generating a password differently than creating a new Secure Note for example. I'll mention this to our development team!

  • shh
    Community Member

    Thanks for bringing the generate button back from 1Password 3 into 1Password 4.

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