Lost Data after Upgrade

Community Member

I just upgraded from the MAS. The app crashed with a message that it was corrupt and I needed to delete and reinstall. After finally getting it installed, it asked if I wanted to use the data on Dropbox, and I said yes. But now it shows no data. All of my logins and notes are gone. I can still access my data from my iPhone, but it appears that my Dropbox file is gone. How do I go about recovering?


  • spiritofnine
    Community Member

    I can access my data from 1PasswordAnywhere, so the data is there. The preferences point to the correct file. Even when I double click on 1Password.agilekeychain or open with 1Password, it shows no data. The permissions on the keychain are drwxr-xr-x and owned by me.

  • spiritofnine
    Community Member

    I upgraded on another system and it's seeing everything alright. There must be something funky with the install on the other system. I'll play with it and see what I can get happening.


  • Hi @spiritofnine,

    This might be related to the sandboxing issues with the Mac App Store version of 1Password. If you scan for sandboxd in your Console app, there might be errors saying it is denying access to your data file in the Dropbox.

    If you haven't yet figured this out, we'd love to help you fix this. To get started, can you email us your diagnostic report and include a link to this thread, so we don't have to start over from the beginning.


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