Dropbox not working from v3 to v4

Community Member


I have a rather big problem. I have been a 1Pass user for many years, using v3 on my computers and iPhones. I always sync with dropbox. I purchased v4 from the MAC store and also on my iPhone. I see a lot of my stuff in there, but then over the last week I've noticed that several of my logins are missing. This prompted me to look into what's going on. I am totally confused. The Mac app shows I'm syncing with Dropbox. It says 22 min ago and shows my path to /dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain. However, if I look at my dropbox folder on my computer that keychain file says modified yesterday. Then if I go to DB online and look at the HTML file, it appears to be v3 and if I login and search for new logins I have created today, they cannot be found. I have lost some logins, which I just thought was an issue going from v3-v4 (I sent in an email and a report, but haven't received a response) so I started creating new logins. So where is my actual login file, and which logins am I going to lose now, the ones I have recently created in v4 or the ones that are missing from v3? This is a mess guy. I didn't expect issues with the database itself. Please help.


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @chuckp, does anything in this thread (including linked threads) help at all?


  • chuckp
    Community Member

    Thanks, I think I have it working now. For those interested, first off there was finally an update in the mac app store. That seems to have fixed a few bugs right off the bat, like the mini not opening the app. Then i simply unsynced and deleted all my dropbox folders. i turned off sync on my phone and erased my data. then i resynced the mac version to dropbox. then resynced with the iphone app. it all appears to be working now. Could have been much smoother though. Otherwise, I'm liking the new apps.

  • Hi @chuckp,

    Thanks for the update, we appreciate you writing that up, and it will help other folks for sure.

    We're continuing to work on updates to improve the experience, we know we still have a lot of work here.

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