Do I need both the 1password helper and 1password browser extension?

Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac

It seems a bit over the top to have both the 1password helper and the 1password browser extension running at the same time. Also, I think it's weird to see two of those key-icons on my screen.

If I want to keep using 1password to autofill forms and think of passwords on websites, which one of the two can I disable?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    This thread and this thread (including the links mentioned in those threads—both from the beta forum) may shed some more light on the issue for you.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    You need both installed, but you can always hide the extension's icon without actually uninstalling it. This is true for most (all?) browsers.

  • Hi guys,

    @sneath, as Xe997 said, you can disable the icon in the menu bar if you don't want to see it there. 1Password mini is useful for opening and copying data for outside of your browser. For example, Mac App Store, I needed to copy my AppleID's password and I can do so via 1Password mini on the menubar.

    @Xe997, for all browsers. 1Password mini powers the front end to the browser extension. The extension itself no longer have any UI code.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member


    Sorry, let me clarify: I know all browsers use mini for its UI, but I was not certain that all browsers had the feature of hiding certain extension icons. Turns out Safari, Firefox and Chrome support this, but not Opera. Or, at least I didn't find it.

  • Oh, thank you for correcting me, I misunderstood what you meant.

    We do recommend hiding the 1Password mini rather than hiding the browser's icon, as it's helpful to see the icon there to ensure that 1Password is working.

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