Lost Icons after Upgrade

Community Member

I upgraded to 1Password 4 and lost almost all of my icons. I'm not talking custom icons -- but almost all icons. A few have populated, but what happened to the rest of the them? And how do I get them back? I tried closing the app and restarting, but that did not help. I've even tried opening logins for edit and then saving, but that didn't help either. I DO have rich icons checked. Appreciate any help.


  • Coughlin Davis
    Coughlin Davis
    Community Member

    I have the same problem. I noticed it mostly in my Software Licenses. Some of the software entries lost their icons when upgrading to 1Password 4. The icons must still be in the database because they are present in the most current version of 1Password for Windows and in Macs which I have kept on 1Password 3.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Have you tried rebooting? (See this thread.)

    As to getting software licences back see my comment in this thread for a relatively easy way of doing it.


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