Mini copy and paste? [Double-click on the field in the item's details view]
You know that you can anchor the relevant login entry from Mini? (Highlight the relevant login then the arrow at the right of it. Click on the anchor symbol at the bottom left of the login.) Double clicking on a field of the anchored details should copy the contents of the field to the clipboard.
Yes, it's by no means obvious at present and people have asked for a slightly easier or more obvious way of doing this!
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Ahh, the double click - thanks!!!
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Hi @leimerlk,
Stephen is right, you can anchor the relevant Login to have it visible to copy and paste. Also, simply clicking on the password in the Mini will copy it as well. We are looking at ways to make this feature more obvious and intuitive for users in the future. I apologize for the inconvenience!
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No worries, really like the upgrade and look forward to the continual improvement I've grown accustomed to over the years!