How do you know when syncing is really happening? I see a discrepancy...

Community Member

I'm having problems getting my four devices to sync via dropbox. I am using two macbook pros and two iPhones. I've started to do some digging and found a discrepancy:

On my Mac, if I go to Preferences/Sync, it tells me my last sync was 4 minutes ago. However, if I view my dropbox online and navigate as follows:
Files/1Password Backup/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/
I see that the last modified version was 26 minutes ago.

Any explanations for this?

Also, is there any way on 1Password (either on the iPhone or on a Mac) to force a sync?


  • Hi @pugmum,

    In the main 1Password app's preferences, the Last Sync is referring to the last time 1Password made changes to your data file in the Dropbox folder.

    Just to be clear, is that timestamp on the default folder or the most recent items inside the default folder? Check the Events section on, it should tell you the most recent files that were uploaded, .1password should be on that list.

    The Dropbox syncing process is handled by Dropbox itself. Dropbox monitors the changes in your Dropbox folder and will sync it as fast as it can. We can't force anything there, all we can do is write to the folder, and nothing else.

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