1Password 4 extension not compatible with Firefox 17 [update to latest version]

Larry Farago
Larry Farago
Community Member
edited April 2014 in Mac

every time I try to install the extension, it tells me that it is not compatible. Not what?


  • Hi Larry,

    Firefox 17 is very old, please update to Firefox 24, and then 1Password extension will be compatible.

  • Ted Thibodeau Jr
    Ted Thibodeau Jr
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Firefox 17.0.11 ESR is (as of this writing) less than 6 months old.

    1Password 4 information pages (as of this writing) do not indicate that the browser plugin only supports the very-very-very-latest Firefox (which has MAJOR crashing issues with loading past sessions, as has every "stable" release since 17.0.0, itself only 18 months -- not "very," even in the sped-up software world -- old).

    The above response is far from helpful.

    All installation instructions for 1Password 4 mandate removal of 1Password 3 browser add-ons ... but after (not before!) installation of 1Password Firefox add-on 4.1.0, I am told "1Password is incompatible with Firefox 17.0.11"

    I am FAR from happy right now.

    I eagerly await your useful and helpful response.

  • Hi Ted,

    Sorry, we recommend using the 1Password 4 extension with the latest stable version of Firefox.

    The version 4 extension does support ESR, but only starting with Firefox 24.

  • big77
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Your knowledgebase article specifically say 1Password3 is still supported (http://learn.agilebits.com/1Password4/Mac/en/KB/legacy-osx.html). But how can 1PW3 be used when browser extensions for older browsers aren't available?

  • Jasper
    edited April 2014

    Hi @big77,

    The version 4 browser extension only supports Firefox 24 ESR or later. The version 3 extension is available for older browsers.

    With that said, we still recommend using the latest available stable version of your browser if you are using 1Password 3.

  • Ted Thibodeau Jr
    Ted Thibodeau Jr
    Community Member

    Apparently, definitions of "stable" vary. I have not found any version of Firefox later than 17.x to be "stable", regardless of the judgement of the Mozilla people. I am not loading any strange web pages to cause the crashes -- Facebook, Livejournal, Youtube, and the like. I can reliably take Firefox 18 and later down by causing 2 tabs to load simultaneously, or by reloading a saved session. The same pages, loaded in the same way, do not crash Firefox 17. Now talk to me again about "the latest stable version of Firefox."

    So... 1Password 4 is ONLY compatible with Firefox 24 ESR or later (in other words, no Firefox more than two weeks older than 1Password v4 itself), because 1Password is pretty much minimally if at all useful without a browser extension, and 1Password 4 is not compatible with Extension v3, which is the only way to use the "old" (for some meaning of the word) Firefox.

    To say I'm disappointed rather significantly understates my current feelings. I think this limitation should be clearly and definitively noted on the download, sale, and related pages.

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You must push Firefox a lot harder than I do (although I'm using it virtually all day every day) because I've never had it crash on me for at least the last five or six versions (I'm using 28 now). Mind you, I do reboot my machine every day and that presumably helps.


  • Jasper
    edited April 2014

    Hi Ted,

    The latest stable version of Firefox is version 28.0 — available for download on Mozilla's website: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/

    I'm sorry that you haven't had luck with newer versions of Firefox, but the 1Password 4 extension requires Firefox 24 ESR or later.

    Also, from the Firefox Extended Support Release webpage, you'll see that they recommend using the latest version as well:

    Who should use Mozilla Firefox ESR?


    Mozilla Firefox ESR is meant for organizations that manage their client desktops, including schools, businesses and other instituitions that want to offer Firefox. Users who want to get the latest features, performance enhancements and technologies in their browsing experience should download Firefox for personal use, as these improvements will only be available to ESR users several development cycles after being made available in Firefox for desktop. If you’re using Firefox for personal use, you can download Firefox from mozilla.org/firefox.

    If you're not willing to upgrade to a new version of Firefox, you would need to go back to 1Password 3 to use browser filling.

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