Need automatic password updater

Community Member

It is great that 1Password now tells us about weak, duplicate, and old passwords. What it needs is a way to update them automatically. You should be able to create a script that goes to the update page (or starts once we go there) and automatically puts in the old password and a new one, then updates 1password for next login.


  • markwmsn
    Community Member

    Yeah, that could be useful, but it would seem to require either a standard way/place/page for websites to update passwords or a massive database of how/where each website on the net updates passwords. Is either a reasonable expectation?

  • Meek

    Hi tomwootton and markwmsn,

    Thanks so much for the feedback, we are always exploring ways to enhance 1Password, and love hearing what our users want. While we can't directly discuss our future plans, I have noted down your request! As markwmsn mentioned, this is quite tricky to accomplish due to the wide variety of password update pages out there - almost every website does it a bit differently. That said, we really do appreciate the suggestion - keep 'em coming :)

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