Why is my keychain in a different location? (DropBox)

Mr. Laser Beam
Mr. Laser Beam
Community Member
edited October 2013 in Mac

The keychain used to be at the root level of my DropBox folder. Now it is in a subfolder named 1Password. Why is this?

I think I know HOW it happened - back when I thought I wanted to use iCloud sync, I had disabled DropBox sync and told 1Password to delete the DB data. Then, after failing to get iCloud sync to work, I re-enabled DropBox sync. 1P dutifully created a new keychain file, but this time it put it in a folder. Why did it do that?

Can I change this somehow? If so, how? It doesn't really affect my use of the system - my iOS devices will still sync with DropBox, whether or not the keychain is in a subfolder. I'm just curious.


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited October 2013

    The default location for the keychain is ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain on Mac App Store versions of the app.

    If you are still using the Mac App Store version, I would keep it in the folder until the guys issue an update that allows for placement elsewhere. That specific placement has been "approved" by the Apple sandbox requirements. With some of the issues as of late with the sandboxing and syncing. I would be inclined to wait on its movement.

  • Mr. Laser Beam
    Mr. Laser Beam
    Community Member

    I have been using the MAS version for quite awhile now. When I first changed over to it (about 2 years ago), it left the keychain file where it originally was - at the root of DropBox. It wasn't until I played with iCloud sync (i.e. deleting all data from DropBox, trying iCloud sync for awhile, deciding it didn't work, then switching back to DropBox) that 1P changed the location of the file. When it created a new keychain file from scratch, then it put it into a folder marked 1Password.

    This doesn't affect my overall use of 1P of course, and so I guess I really shouldn't care where it puts the keychain (plus I don't use DropBox for anything else). Like I said, I'm just curious, that's all.

  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited October 2013

    Actually now that I think about it. At one time I think there was an option for the root of the 1Password folder if I remember correctly. The folder option was added in later as it allowed folks to share the keychain. Hmm scratches head ?

  • macgabe
    Community Member

    @Mr. Laser Beam
    My keychain is now at the root level, as it had been before all the system and 1P updates. Another one was created at some point within a folder with a bunch of other files, while upgrading - I removed it, and it doesn't seem to be a problem so far.

  • MikeT
    edited November 2013

    Hi guys,

    We switched over to the standard location of ~/Dropbox/1Password early last year, so that the rest of the 1Password apps can fall back to the 1Password folder if it cannot find your data file elsewhere.

    1Password will not change the location of your data file on its own, it only changes to the ~/Dropbox/1Password folder when it is creating a new file.

    Since Mr. Laser Beam deleted the original one in the root of Dropbox when disabling the Dropbox sync, 1Password will then simply default to the ~/Dropbox/1Password folder next time.

    We want to encourage the use of this folder to make things simpler for everybody if everybody knew where the default location is.

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