Multiple Vaults on Dropbox - Leave my job, handing over a Vault to boss

Community Member

Im struggling to understand the file structure on 1password vaults.

In my Dropbox Folder I have

  • Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain
  • Dropbox/1Password.Vaults/Primary.agilekeychain
  • Dropbox/1Password.Vaults/Work.agilekeychain

Question 1 -- Do I need the top level 1Password.agilekeychain? It seems like I do, as it keeps re-appearing after I delete it, even if I shut down all my browsers and mini and 1password. I think it's a master prefs storage? or is dropbox resurrecting it?

Question 2 -- Is there any way to configure where 1Password.agilekeychain lives? Or it's name? I was thinking of stashing that somewhere else. The Prefs screens seem to control only the location of the Vaults.

Question 3 -- If I decide that I want to hand off the Work.agilekeychain (eg: Im changing companies and handing over my keys) would the suggestion be to simply hand over that Work.agilekeychain and tell them the Vault password? (eg: I dont need anything from the 1Password.agilekeychain). Then I can safely delete the copy of Work.agilekeychain in my dropbox?




  • Mark,

    1Password 4 keeps its data in a SQLite database and it can sync individual vaults in this database with the .agilekeychain bundles. The primary vault is usually synced with 1Password.agilekeychain, the secondary vaults are synced with VaultName.agilekeychain.

    Please check the 1Password > Preferences > Sync settings for each vault to see what .agilekeychain bundle they are syncing with.

    The Work.agilekeychain does not need anything and you can copy or pass it to someone else. The easiest way could be to setup a shared Dropbox folder and give other people access to it along with its password.

  • mtakacs
    Community Member


    I also found that if I changed the entry in my

    $$ cat Dropbox/.ws.agile.1Password.settings 1Password.agilekeychain

    $$ cat Dropbox/.ws.agile.1Password.settings 1Password.vaults/Personal.agilekeychain
    I can control the Vault that gets loaded by default, and not have the 1Password.agilekeychain bundle sitting at the root of my Dropbox.

    The issue of the "undeletable" 1Password.agilekeychain bundle was because my macmini at home was doing backups. Right now everything's off but my macbook and i'm gonna turn stuff on 1 at a time until things get synced up correctly.

    Thanks for the note about SQLite. (durn, wish SequelPro would support that db format.. .)


  • Hi @mtakacs,

    Are you using 1Password on mobile devices or just between Macs?

    There's a reason we do not update the .ws file if you're using a secondary vault. You can run into the risk of syncing your secondary vaults into the primary vault on the iOS devices where it doesn't support multiple vaults yet.

    If you do use 1Password on mobile devices, that's probably the ones syncing back the deleted data file to your Dropbox folder.

    As for SQlite, you can try out Base, which handles SQlite databases.

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