Folders are broken in 4.0.5 update. [Fixed in the 4.0.7 update]

Community Member
edited November 2013 in Mac

How is the Folders feature supposed to work?

  • I created a new folder (File > New Folder).
  • I named that folder.
  • I dragged several items from my Logins list to the new folder.

Those items did not appear in the folder (new folder remained empty).

On cursory testing, Smart Folders seem to work, but regular Folders don't.

Also, re: product documentation...

  • The documentation provided is not at all comprehensive (what is there is useful, but it is very incomplete), and
  • The search function on the support site doesn't work (failed in 3 different browsers).

Please advise.

1P Mac 4.0.5, OS X 10.8.5


  • braindump
    Community Member

    Re: broken site search:

    Here's a scaled down screenshot of what every search results displays:

    Same behavior in Firefox 24.0, Chrome 30.0 & Safari 6.1.

  • Thank you for the screenshot!

    I tried search with Safari 7.0 and Firefox 22.0 and it seems to work fine. I will ask more people at AgileBits to test.

  • braindump
    Community Member

    One thing to look at would be whether any tracking or web analytics functionality you implemented for search fails gracefully if the browser has privacy controls in place.

  • jwholder
    Community Member

    I'm having a similar problem. I drag a login item over top of one of my existing folders, the folder highlights as though the item is going to be added, but when I drop the item on the folder it does not appear in that folder when the folder is clicked on.

  • braindump
    Community Member

    More information on this folder problem...

    In 1P on my iPhone (iOS 7.0.2, 1P 4.3.1), I am able to add Login entries into a folder. However, when I then perform a Wifi sync (which normally works fine), the sync fails and Wifi sync no longer works until the item is removed from the folder.

  • joshlawless
    Community Member

    I also have this problem with folders. I created a new vault, and added one item to the vault. I then created one folder, and tried to drop the item in the folder -- it does not appear in the folder.

    On the existing vault with all my passwords (upgraded from v.3), I have many items in folders. I can not drag and drop them from one folder to another. Doing so briefly highlights the destination folder, but the item remains where it started. If I right-click and select "Remove from Folder", the item remains in the folder.

  • Hi guys,

    This is a known issue in the 4.0.5 update. We've fixed it already and will be available in the next update. I apologize about this!

  • abhik
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    For an app that costs $40, there's a surprising amount of bugs (no rich icons, folders not working). Frustrating.

  • Uno_Lavoz
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    @abhik For an app that was rushed out of beta to meet the Mavericks release, there's a surprisingly low number of bugs. Very impressive.

    You have to look at the other side of the coin. They did a fantastic job getting from betas to stable for Mavericks. There's still work to be done - features to add, minor bugs to fix, etc. But the really heavy work is out of the way.

    Anyone that's ever done any programming would be impressed with what they've just achieved. I'm impressed.

    I'm also very impressed with how they've tirelessly replied to almost every thread on the forum, for months, working weekends and nights. I'd like to see if they all have some sort of electricity jacks that plug into the wall, because that's a superhuman feat. Perhaps their secret is lots of performance enhancing intravenous coffee-doping. :P

    The rich icon issue was related to them doing SSL pinning (a way of guaranteeing server authenticity by protecting against changed/forged certificates), and Amazon changing their SSL certificates without telling AgileBits, which meant that the app could no longer recognize the authenticity of the server. It wasn't AgileBits' fault.

    And this folder issue was clearly just an accidental regression and will be fixed.

    There are no real, major issues, and the fact that it's already far more stable than lots of other developers' software that's been out for years is a testament to AgileBits' coding prowess.

    Now all that remains is to wait for the new codebase to mature. It will just get better and better over the coming months. I have a couple of pet-issues. Mainly the super ugly, blurry JPGs for custom application icons, which really ought to be switched to full-on PNGs since the diskspace difference is negligible and you retain full quality and alpha transparency that way. And the fact that it doesn't import painstakingly applied custom icons from the 1P3 database is equally painful. For now, I stay on 1P3 for its beautiful, crisp icons. But that's literally the only reason I'm not upgrading yet. In every other aspect, 4.0.6 is reliable for everyday work. The core is already stable. Work from here on relates to minor bugs and feature additions.

    Anyone that buys 1P4 today is buying into a product that is already great and will just keep getting better and better.

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