How can I connect the extension for Chrome with my saved passwords in Dropbox?

Community Member

I downloaded the chrome extension. I already use 1Password, with my metadata stored in Dropbox. I don't know how to connect them. When prompted for a password, it won't take the password I use for desktop Dropbox and i see no way to change the settings to maybe connect them. Help me!


  • Hello @oxband,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us about this.

    It sounds like you might be mixing versions of the 1Password app and the Chrome extension. Please make sure both are using version 4. Also, be sure to go to the 1Password > Preferences > Sync window to configure 1Password 4 app to sync with Dropbox.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know how it turns out or if you'd like anything clarified.


    –Dave Teare
    AgileBits Founder

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