Smart folder for missing website data?
I am a new user of 1password. I have migrated my data and need to sort out around 200 old Keepass entries that I now have in 1password4. Smart folders have been great at helping me to do this - thanks. I am now trying to search for 'Logins' with blank or null entries in the 'website' field. I don't seem to be able to do this with Smart folders (or at least in a way that gives me results that are consistent with my data. Any suggestions?
Have you tried the search criteria "Number of URLs" and set the value to 0?
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xe997, yes I had. That returns just one record. However, I have lots of records with nothing in the website field. I also tried using URL = [nothing typed into the value field], and that returned zero records. Any other ideas?
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Thanks for reporting this, @stuckagain.
I've confirmed that as of 4.0.7 no combination of custom search criteria are able to match items without website fields, including what @Xe997 suggested. I'll make sure a bug is filed specifically about this, along with the more general issue of custom searches failing to match certain selected criteria.
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Thanks sjk!
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You're welcome, @stuckagain.