iCloud Sync Seems Fine

Community Member

I just upgrade 1Password on my Mac to V4.0.5 and iOS version to 4.3.1. The sync via iCloud seems to work very well. A couple of questions:
1) I don't recall having to enter my iCloud login credentials for the iOS version. How is the access controlled and the data being encrypted?
2) When I log into iCloud I don't se any folders or other references to data. Is the 1Pass data stored behind the scenes somewhere?
3) What is the 1Pass browser? And where are the cookies stored? I am pretty fanatical about cookie management, deleting tracking cookies, etc. How do I delete the content and still protect certain cookies?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    As to cookies see this thread.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RickCunn

    I'm glad to hear that iCloud sync is working well for you!

    1) I don't recall having to enter my iCloud login credentials for the iOS version. How is the access controlled and the data being encrypted?

    Your data is encrypted by 1Password before it is stored in any sync solution, including iCloud. If you are logged in to your iCloud account on your iOS device, when you open 1Password for the first time it will automatically look to see if there is any 1Password data stored in iCloud. If data is found, 1Password will prompt you for your Master Password to access the data.

    2) When I log into iCloud I don't se any folders or other references to data. Is the 1Pass data stored behind the scenes somewhere?

    To see where your data is stored in iCloud, go to Settings.app > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage. 1Password will be under the Documents and Data heading. :)

    3) What is the 1Pass browser?

    Because Apple has strict rules about how apps interact with each other on iOS, 1Password cannot install browser extensions in mobile browsers the way it can in the desktop version. So 1Password is unable to fill in forms in mobile Safari, for example. Our 1Browser allows you to make use of 1Password's filling features to browse the web more quickly and conveniently.

    I hope this answers your questions, but if you need any further clarification, we're here to help!

  • RickCunn
    Community Member

    So where can I access 1Pass browser? It is not listed under Settings. Where else can it be hiding?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RickCunn,

    Just tap the Globe icon in the bottom menu bar, right corner. :)

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