Login rejected

Community Member

Tried logging into my Online banking account with 1password autofill and I was locked out of my account!
RBS, my bank, told me that it interpreted this as an attempt to hack into my account, and so I’ve had to spend much time re-registering so I can re-activate my bank account. Is this likely to happen with other websites? Is there a fix for it?
I’m now 1p, so far very happy, but this has worried me.


  • LostLesli
    Community Member

    Seems same has happened to me, although I had triple-copied versions in my password database, 1Password (lol). So I finally got on here by using Google. I have other tech issues, loads of them, but I'll separate them for clarity and leave this issue here. Thanks.

  • zorbzod
    Community Member

    Cheers for replying. I should have edited my post: That last sentence should read: “Im new ti 1password, and so far I’ve been very happy with it, but this has worried me”.

  • LostLesli
    Community Member

    1Password is being a very bad app right now. Send all their devs to their rooms and loose their keys until they fix these things! I think it is abysmal that not only is their not a call center, but no way to email them either? And this is a very very expensive app!

  • LostLesli
    Community Member

    Cheers to you too, I'm just a bit miffed right now and my pup has been denied her dinner bc of all this :-(

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @zorbzod,

    First of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in responding but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're working hard to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    Unfortunately, some banks do have some unique security features put into place that makes it difficult for 1Password to work its auto-filling magic. I really do apologize that you had to go through such a process with your bank.

    1Password is able to auto-fill many websites without issue, but due to the infinite variety of styles and settings available to developers when it comes to designing webpages, there will always be a few sites that 1Password is unable to fill completely or automatically. Your experience, however, is a rare occurrence. I am curious: were you immediately locked out after filling your Login one time, or did you make multiple attempts? Could you provide me with the bank's web address so we can do some testing on our end?

    Hi @LostLesli,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you're frustrated with 1Password right now, and that you have been having difficulty contacting support. I'd love to help you get things straightened out! For future reference, you can always contact AgileBits support here: support@ agilebits .com

    Could you provide a bit more detail about how 1Password is misbehaving so we can sort this out?

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