Airplane mode on my iPhone 5s deleted all my information

Community Member

I think this may have been bad timing, but I was trying to look up information on an airplane and was unable.

I think what happened was:
1) 1Password updated (and deleted all my iCloud synced info?)
2) I got on the plane
3) 1Password was useless to me.

Step 1 is conjecture. I'm not sure why I didn't have any data on the plane and I'm just reporting this because it was very, very annoying.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @htodd,

    Airplane mode merely prevents a sync, it has no power to delete your data. If 1Password was mid-sync when Airplane mode was initiated, that could have affected your access to the data in 1Password.

    Now that you've landed, is your data accessible in 1Password, or are you still experiencing difficulties?

  • htodd
    Community Member

    It's working now. So a half-sync can corrupt your data?

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @htodd,

    I just want to make sure I understand - is 1Password working now, or do you have missing data? If you have missing data, I'd love to help you get things back to normal! However, if all your data synced properly after disabling Airplane mode, it seems as though 1Password was simply in mid-sync when Airplane mode was engaged, and that is why you did not have access to all your data while on the plane.

    I do apologize for the inconvenience, but if you do have corrupt data, please let me know so we can get this sorted out!

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