Missing Rich Icons

Community Member

Why is it that some logins have rich icons while others do not. How do I get them to appear? Netflix, for example, doesn't work.


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    There was a server side change to a SSL certificate made to the teams hosting provider. That change by the provider will necessitate a app update to allow it the ability to add new rich icons.

    I highly suspect this is your issue. It is fixed in the beta channel so look for an update in the future.

    Edit : The staff have replied the app is in the approval process for the Mac App Store customers http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/92517/#Comment_92517

  • talenzmeier
    Community Member

    I'm using version 4.07, downloaded from the website.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @talenzmeier.

    With 4.0.9, I'm seeing icons for netflix.com and other sites. With 4.0.5 (MAS), they're missing because of the SSL certificate issue that @thightower mentioned.

    Had you ever seen any of the icons in earlier versions that are missing now? Have you tried toggling the Rich Icons option under Preferences > General off and on?

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