Reveal in 1password 4 gone?

Community Member

There are many time I just need the password revealed rather than filled in/submitted.
In 1password 3 if I was on a webpage I could click on the 1password extension and a drop down menu would appear.
I could scroll over to the login info and click on "reveal"
This is no longer the case.
Is there a way to get this back?
Or is this feature gone


  • thightower
    Community Member
    edited November 2013


    Its still around, just a little more subtle way of doing it. ;) Since the Browser extension is really part of the main app now and not a separate entity so to speak. It responds to the same password reveal options as present in the main app.

    When viewing the password selection press the option key for a quick reveal upon release it will hide the password again.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    You can do the same thing (press the option key) in the main application to reveal a masked password.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @austinnate.

    There's also some info about revealing hidden passwords starting with the second paragraph in: another post. The anchoring tip there supplements what @thightower mentioned here.

    In addition to Option key usage in the main application that @hawkmoth mentioned, reveal/conceal can be selected from the popup menu of a hidden field in item details, e.g.:

    Thanks guys!

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