Syncing Issues in 1Password 4

Community Member
edited November 2013 in Mac

I've never ever had a problem with 1Password until I installed Version 4. And now it won't sync between devices and my Macs. At this point one of my Macs has some new passwords and the other Mac has others. And it's driven me to distraction.

How do I solve this problem?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Although I may not be able to help you it will doubtless help others to do so if you tell us:

    1. how you are trying to sync (folder, wifi, Dropbox, iCloud);
    2. what version of 1P4 you are running on your Mac, and whether it's from the Mac App Store or direct from AgileBits;
    3. what OS X version you are running; and
    4. what version of 1P4 for iOS you are running on your devices.


  • psychotactics
    Community Member

    Yes, sorry. I'm using Dropbox. The version is 4.09. Running OS Mavericks, version 10.9. On the IOS devices I have version 4.3.1

  • psychotactics
    Community Member

    I did sync over wifi and had no problem. It's just Dropbox that gives me trouble. I forced the sync from my Mac to Dropbox, and then tried to view it on my iPhone, but it wouldn't show up the new data. I then synced over wifi without any trouble. But Dropbox is now the bugbear, I suppose.

  • psychotactics
    Community Member

    Oh, and mine is not an APP store version. I bought directly from Agilebits.

  • Hey @psychotactics, I'm not sure if I can be of any help, but give these ideas a try:

    • First, 1Password for iOS has since been updated to version 4.3.2, so make sure you've updated that.
    • Very simple, but just to be sure, is the same Dropbox account is being used on all devices?
    • Try disabling Dropbox sync on all your devices, then enabling them all again again.

    If none of that worked:

    • Which devices is sync not working for? Is 1Password syncing properly between any of your devices?
    • Is your keychain stored in the default ~/Dropbox/1Password location?
    • Check if your changes are showing up in 1PasswordAnywhere.
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