1Passwordanywhere & Windows/Mac limitations of iCloud?

Community Member

What are the possible advantages of iCloud over Dropbox? Are the following really disadvantages?

I do count on 1Password Anywhere being available. I think that if I sync only to iCloud there's a significant vulnerability. Suppose all I have available to me is a web browser. I think an iCloud copy would not give me access to my data. Dropbox would. Is this correct? Of course this is a looming problem. An internal Google memo mentions an alien race of androids that will attack us in a couple of years and wipe out all personal computing devices except for Android phones.

I bought the cross platform family pack. My wife will use the Windows version and I the Mac. The user guide recommends Dropbox to have access from both platforms. Can iCloud reliably serve this purpose?


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    1PasswordAnywhere is only available if you use Dropbox syncing, not iCloud. I have settled on using iCloud, at least for now, but moving from Dropbox wasn't and easy choice exactly because of this issue. I finally decided that with a Mac and two mobile iDevices at my disposal, I wasn't likely to need 1PasswordAnywhere. And iCloud syncing is faster that Dropbox, at least for the time being.

    I don't think Windows can have access to iCloud, so if you use Windows, your choice is made for you.

    It is a little unsettling that there is no way to access the data directly through iCloud.

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