1Password mini opens new tab and auto fills after unlock instead of current tab

Community Member

On occasion, doesn't seem to be consistent, but happens very often. When I user the Command + / command to launch the mini window, I unlock it, search for my password (I mostly use many sites under 1 domain, with different logins) and hit enter. It then opens the desired site in a new tab and auto logs in there, instead of the current tab. Re-doing this sequence when unlocked does not suffer the same problem.


  • abartlett
    Community Member

    Some quick info, I am running the latest (stable) version of Firefox and 1Password 4 on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). All these things are currently fully up to date.

  • @abartlett Try checking your Open URLs in... setting:

  • abartlett
    Community Member
    edited November 2013

    @jasperp thank you for replying. It is set to open in a new tab, but I am trying to fill an existing form on the current page. Not open the link. It works as expected in every instance, with the exception of above.

  • @abartlett Ah, I think I might know the problem then. You said:

    I unlock it, search for my password

    But, when you hit Command - /, the login(s) for the current page should appear in the extension, no need to search for it. I'm thinking that the URL of the page you're on, and the URL of the page saved in 1Password are different (1P will only fill when the domain matches). Can you check that you're always on the correct domain when trying to login (some sites use multiple domains, which might mess this up).

  • abartlett
    Community Member

    @JasperP No, It is not that either, I tried to explain in why in my original comment. As I admin for a company that has a large number of web apps that are all under the same top level domain, 1Password treats them all as alternate logins for the one website (the top level domain). Which means I have to search for the login that I need.

  • My apologies, @abartlett. I'm just re-reading your original post now and see I kinda misunderstood.

    So if I understand correctly now, this only happens when you begin from a locked state. It doesn't occur when 1Password was previously unlocked?

  • abartlett
    Community Member

    @jasperp that is correct.

  • Jasper
    edited November 2013

    @abartlett Strange. Are you consistently able to reproduce this with a particular page? Or does it happen randomly?

    When this issue occurs, can you remember if the list of available logins for the page appear in the extension? It seems to me that 1Password doesn't think you are currently on the page you are, so opens the login in a new tab.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abartlett,

    I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we have been a bit overwhelmed since the launch of 1Password 4 for Mac. We're all working hard and putting in extra hours to get back to our usual snappy responses and we really appreciate your patience.

    The issue you describe is a bit strange. I'm curious as well, as @JasperP asked, does this happen consistently with one or two sites?

    I could suggest a workflow that might make this issue irrelevant: you can use Cmd-\ to access the Mini before navigating to the site and then make 1Password do the work of opening the site in a new window and logging you in so you don't have to. :)

    As an aside, I would also like to let you know that our developers are working on making 1Password's search feature better to make life easier for people such as yourself who have many subdomain logins under the same domain name.

    Please let me know if I can help in further tracking down this issue!

  • abartlett
    Community Member

    It doesn't seem consistent. It might be when waking my laptop from sleep that it happens, but I will monitor it more closely. @megan thank you, I have had to use that work around.

    Your search is great. But I think I know what you mean.

    If I can figure out a common thread, I will reply back here.

  • oshloel
    Community Member

    I have seen this behavior also and as @JasperP asked, the page does not show up in the available logins. I'm not sure of the root cause, but it seems to happen to me when I press cmd-\ before allowing sufficient time to assure the browser page has completely loaded. If that is the case, then I presume 1pw mini isn't finding the relevant page url and thus thinks a search selection is asking to go to a new page.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abartlett,

    I'm glad to hear that the workaround works for you. I open nearly every website directly via the 1Password Mini now, it's a great time-saver. :) Please do let me know if you notice anything more consistent about this issue that could help us track it down in the future!

    Hi @oshloel,

    The 1Password Mini does need to page to be properly loaded to be able to find the right Logins, so if you are pressing Cmd-\ before the page is fully loaded you might see this behaviour. I will pass this along to our developers - thanks for keeping your eyes open :)

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