New user question - AgileBits or Mac App Store version?

Community Member
edited December 2013 in Mac

I have downloaded the trial 1Password4 from the agile bits site & now wish to purchase the software.
By default I would purchase through the Mac App Store - as the majority of my other software is managed here and I se iCloud but, before I do I have a couple of questions.
Can I migrate the data I have input to the trial version into the App Store version - and if so, how? I saw a discussion about migration from MAS to agile bits version - is it just the reverse of this?
Once migrated, is it just a case of 'trashing' the agile bits app after installation of the MAS version or are there other files/folders that need removal? What, how, where?
Is there any functional difference between the two versions that might mean the agile bits version would be the one to go for?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @patrickl,

    It just so happens that we have a handy-dandy article that explains the main difference between the two versions here: Purchase from Mac App Store or AgileBits Webstore? You can indeed migrate the data from the trial to the Mac App Store version - if you don't want to work backwards through the article to do the migration, please let me know and I can provide you with some more detailed steps.

    Once your data is migrated over, it is a simple matter of quitting 1Password mini and trashing the app. We don't recommend removing any extra folders (just in case you run into a situation where you need backup data, for example.)

    I hope this helps, but please let me know if I can be of further assistance :)

  • bromo
    Community Member

    The article _Purchase from Mac App Store or AgileBits Webstore?_states that "To use iCloud syncing you should purchase on the Mac App Store". I think that must instead of should is more appropriate.

  • @bromo The website version can do iCloud sync unofficially but AgileBits would have to remove it if Apple required them to. So if you want to be guaranteed iCloud sync, you should buy from the Mac App Store.

  • reddevils1968
    Community Member

    I downloaded the trial and then purchased the App Store version. I did see migrating from Beta to App Store and App Store to the web site download. Can I get directions on how to migrate from trial to App Store version?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Migration from the trial to the Mac App Store version is effectively identical to migrating from the beta to the Mac App Store version—because the trial is an AgileBits store version.


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