Cannot export to CSV or Text file - help!
Hi One and All,
I want to export my entire 1PW4 database to a comma-delimited (or, alternatively, a plain) text file.
In 1PW4, when I click File > Export > All Objects, I can select a file name and a destination. However, under File Format, I have no choice other than 1pif format. This does not help me.
Can somebody please tell me how to do a 'real' export such as CSV or TXT format.
Thank you!
Regards, Michael
Those exports are not available in the current release of 1Password 4. I believe I have read here that they will be coming in a future update. I also recall reading that you could download a copy of 1P 3, then import your .pif and export cvs or txt from there. I'm not completely sure of the accuracy of my memory on the latter score.
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