Can't set “show 1Password mini” keyboard shortcut to ⌥⌘\ [confirmed]

Community Member
edited December 2013 in Mac

In the Preferences screen, I changed the shortcut for “show 1Password mini” to something else. Now I want to change it back to ⌥⌘\. But the application won't let me. It recognises that I'm holding down ⌥⌘ (and shows me those in the field) but when I hit \, nothing happens. It will accept any other key combination -- I've been able to change it to ⌘\, ⌘⇧\, and ⌥⇧\ -- but for some reason not ⌥⌘\. Bug?


  • _kb
    Community Member

    Huh. Apparently the forum software strips out backslashes (but not unicode characters?). The key combination I can't use is command-option-backslash.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2013

    Hi, @_kb.

    I've edited your post to double-backslash quote the backslashes so they'll appear as you intended.

    What you've discovered and reported is indeed a confirmed bug; one of three previously mentioned as being in our tracker:

    • Can't change the shortcut for Show 1Password mini back to its default Option-Command-\.

    I currently don't have an estimate of when this will be fixed in a future update.

This discussion has been closed.