Barnes and Noble in Safari

Community Member
edited December 2013 in Mac

When I try to sign in to the Barnes and Noble website in Safari there's a sign in popup that disappears when I use the Safari extension. I don't want to buy all my books from Amazon, so please help.

Update - the pop up doesn't disappear, its actually another window, but not one in which I can access the menu and the 1Password extension.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @GHI7575.

    Here are a few options you can use to access 1P4 for signing in on the Barnes and Noble site …

    In either the popup ( or non-popup ( Sign In window:

    • Select 1Password from the context menu (Right- or Control-Click).
    • Use a 1P4 keyboard shortcut instead of the 1P4 extension toolbar icon.
    • Select the 1P4 mini icon in the menubar.

    In the popup window, you can first run View > Show Toolbar or File > Open Location… (Command-L shortcut) in Safari to make the toolbar visible so you can select the 1P4 icon.

    I hope that helps. :)

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