Password Generator - minor bug
Just tried signing up to a site that required an 8 - 10 character password. For some reason, the password generated from 1Password4 kept getting rejected. I then realised that the generated password was 1 character more than what I had selected... but not always.
It seems that the Password Generator will generate a password 1 character longer than what the user selects about 90% of the time.
I just encountered the same problem. I was on the Charles Schwab web site and they requested a password between 6 - 8 characters. I entered the first one and it rejected it, I resubmitted a new password and again it rejected it. Ultimately, the web site locked my account for too many tries. Only during the last attempt did I notice, like CCQ, that the password was one character too long.
Confounding things, this may be an intermittent bug because one time out of 4 or 5 tries, the password was 8 characters long.
I have a screen capture to show you this but I can't figure out how to insert an image.
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Hi @CCQ and @pulpdoctor,
Thanks for taking the time to report this bug to us! I'm sorry to hear that the password generator is acting up on you. Could you let me know what version number of 1Password you are using? I have been unable to recreate this on my end, so I'd like to know if we can track down some more specifics.
@pulpdoctor, I'd love to see this screenshot of yours. You can insert an image by saving the capture to a service like Dropbox or Droplr and then including a link to it in your reply. :)
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I've put several screen caps in this link with somewhat descriptive names. What I've found in doing a bit of exploring is that low ODD number passwords are correct. However, EVEN number passwords aren't correct. The problem with this is that it may be very tedious, checking out all the combinations. The screen caps will show what happens if a use the slider to select 8 or 10 characters. In one instance, I closed Firefox and reopened, thinking that might allow for correct number of passwords. As you will see, it didn't. In another case, I selected a number of characters and then clicked away so that 1PW would generate another password and this did NOT solve the problem.
I checked out 20 characters in the password generator and it was correct (I think) but a request for 19 characters added an extra character so my thought about odd and even isn't entirely correct. Oops I didn't mention above that setting the password character scale to SEVEN characters was correct.
I would suggest that this is not a minor bug because users will assume that if a site, such as Schwab requests 6 to 8 character passwords and 1PW adds an extra character, the user will get an error message about the password and not think that 1PW is submitting a 9 character password.
Hope the screen caps and their file names make enough sense for you. If not, contact me for more details.
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Hi Megan, Same issue here. I am using Version 4.1 (410009) and noticed the other day that the indicated number of characters was off by one. It just happened again now. Was going to upload screen caps but they look just like pulpdoctors' above Thanks for fixing this!
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You're probably wondering which version of 1PW I'm using so here it is:
Version 4.1.2.BETA-3 (412003)
Incidentally, I think I updated a day or two ago and noticed the password glitch with the previous version as well. Also, I realize I've posted this to the "commercial" version of 1PW and not the beta forum.
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I stumbled upon the same problem today. I generated a 25 character password, and it displayed a 19 character password (see attached video).
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Hi @pulpdoctor, @sk8rboi and @Revearti,
Thanks so much for providing all this detail in your posts! I've filed a bug report in our system and we'll see if we can't get the generator behaving properly for you all again soon.
In the meantime, can any of you recall if changing any other recipe settings made a difference in the length? I've tried adding digits and symbols, but I'm still getting a correct length. If you do notice a setting that is contributing to the problem, please let us know. :)
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I was puzzled why you were getting correct length passwords. I did a very quick check and I discovered the problem arises when you request PRONOUNCEABLE checked. When I unchecked pronounceable and checked 3 or 4 different length passwords, the passwords generated had the correct length. However, once I enabled the pronounceable option, it added an additional character that ONE time.
This happened when using both 1PW mini and the web browser add-in for Firefox.
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Hi @pulpdoctor,
Eureka! Now I am able to recreate this bug, finally! Thanks so much for checking up on that. I've updated the bug report to reflect that 'pronounceable' seems to be the culprit here. :)
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I guess that old adage that two heads are better than one is true. ^:)^
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Hi @pulpdoctor,
It is indeed. Thanks again for the help :)