Import from KeepassX [see MrC's KeePassX Converter for 1Password 4]

Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac

I researched 1Password a few months ago. I needed to find out if it would import my password data from KeepassX. After finding that it had a direct import function for KeepassX ( I determined to switch to 1Password.

I took advantage of your sale this past week to purchase TWO copies of the app in the Mac App Store, one for me and one for my wife. Imagine my surprise when I found that 1Password, now in version 4, no longer possesses an import function for KeepassX, or any other vault product. Why on Earth would you drop support for bringing in new customers?!

I'm kinda stuck here. I can't get my money back from the App Store, KeepassX doesn't export a CSV-formatted file, and 1Password no longer imports in the way you claimed it does. I bought the product on your web site's assurance that my data would transfer. Do you have a solution for me other than typing in all of my data again? I wouldn't have bought the product if I had known that you dropped your import assistant.

How about letting me install a copy of 1Password 3, importing, then upgrading the resulting vault to version 4? Anything?


  • yvesadeleharlow
    Community Member

    A follow-up ... I've installed a Windows version of Keepass into my Parallels VM, read in the KeepassX db and exported it as a CSV file. The Windows version is at least capable of doing that, so now I can proceed with importing to 1Password.

    You should really make it explicitly obvious that you've dropped Keepass/KeepassX import assistance in 1Password 4. On the product's front page. IN BOLD RED LETTERS. I'm sure others have checked for this capability using Google, as I did, found your 1Password 3 support page claiming this capability, and blindly bought what is now version 4, only to be disappointed.

  • rpm00
    Community Member

    yes, I had this same issue and ended up doing it all manually... :(

  • yvesadeleharlow
    Community Member

    Thanks, Xe997. I grabbed the last version 3 release available. Its import functions crash on Mavericks, but my wife's machine is still on Mountain Lion so I imported there, then upleveled to version 4. Thanks again.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @yvesadeleharlow,

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've had to go through such a process to migrate into 1Password 4. I can assure you that our dev. team is working hard to bring our import feature up to its previous standards. But I'll be sure to pass along your feedback about making this more clear for users.

    Happy Holidays :)

  • sdudley
    Community Member

    To anyone else who finds this post and who does not have a pre-Mavericks system, there is a workaround on another thread for getting the KeePassX->1Password importer to work on Mavericks without crashing:

    (This worked for me!)

  • Thanks for sharing, @sdudley. :)

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