FEATURE REQUEST: In duplicate passwords, sort alphabetically

Community Member

I have hundreds of duplicate passwords. 99% of these are for things I don't care if someone got in, like forum boards I signed up for just so I could view a post I wanted to read, etc. However, I still want to go through the list to make sure important accounts that I may have forgotten about aren't in there. After I change an account's password and leave the duplicate password list, I come back to resume going through the list. It's then a pain to figure out where I was because the accounts aren't in any particular order. Please sort them alphabetically so this process is much simpler.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ToBeFrank,

    Going through the Duplicate Passwords can be a daunting task! Luckily, you can sort the duplicates alphabetically. At the top of the list of passwords you should see a bar that says "x items with duplicate passwords". Click on this to change the sort order. :)

  • ToBeFrank
    Community Member

    Thanks, I didn't see that before. However, it is already checked to sort alphabetically, and it is not alphabetical for me.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ToBeFrank,

    My apologies - I must have misunderstood your earlier post. I've gone back and taken a closer look at my sorting options, and it turns out that it is alphabetically sorting the passwords themselves, and not the websites that the passwords are attached too. I'll pass the feedback along to our developers that a sort option based on the websites could be pretty useful here! Thanks for clarifying :)

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